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Forum Questions

Health in Canadian Society: 

1.    After reading through the Health in Canadian Society section, create a personal wellness profile utilizing the five dimensions of Health and Wellness.  Based on your own self-assessment rank each individual dimension out of five (5 being the best). Once you have ranked yourself for each section, explain why you gave yourself that ranking/number and what steps you will take to improve or maintain that ranking. ( 10 MARKS)


Personal Care: 

1.    What effect does nutrition, sleep and personal hygiene have on YOUR own personal high school experience? (3 MARKS)


2.    What are three problems that you face in regards to YOUR own personal health and wellness? Provide solutions to help you overcome each problem you identify. (3 MARKS)


What is our body made up of? 

1.    What importance do muscles have in everyday life? (2 MARKS)


2.   How are muscles affected by an individuals health and wellness (nutrition, disease, illness, etc...)? (4 MARKS)


3.    How does an increased understanding of the body improve your ability to become more healthy?  (4 MARKS) 


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