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Course Description & Foreword:

    Students will examine fundamental attitudes, knowledge and skills to prepare for further study in career pathways in health, recreation and community services.  Concepts related to the determinants of health, the dimensions of wellness, basic principles of anatomy, physiology and disease, and basic safety and reporting protocols for providing care to individuals in health, recreation, volunteer and community support settings are reviewed.

    HSS1010 is completed in combination with the Physical Education 10 program and affords students the opportunity to open doors for other CTS related courses in the dimensions of physical education, health and wellness, nutrition, and recreation.  HSS1010 is the foundation for the majority of health related CTS courses that are available.  It is complimentary to the knowledge, skills,  and understanding of physical education concepts and curriculum, and will prepare students for a long life of health and wellness based activities.

Assessment & Evaluation:

60%  - Students will be provided with a workbook package of all required assignments in order to meet all curricular outcomes for the course credit.  Students must complete and correct the entire package in order to gain credit for HSS1010.

40% - Forum Questions - There is a page at the back of the booklet with forum questions. Please pay attention to the grading of each question and provide enough information to support your answers.


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